Knowledge Articles
Answers and solutions to frequently asked questions on the product
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Below are knowledge articles including lessons learned to effectively use ‘TimeSheet for Outlook’ add-ins, as well as solutions and answers to technical issues and questions related to the app.
- Push TimeSheet database configuration to multiple systems so that they don’t have to setup again on their system
- The database has been placed in a state by user on machine that prevents it from being opened or locked.
- OLAP tool shows blank grid/chart
- What is the difference between Billable Hours and Duration?
- Where can I customize the title of the project/activity fields as well as specify mandatory?
- I have Team TimeSheet client addin installed, but I can’t see the timesheet form when I open an appointment.
- Preventing members from viewing every project and task in their Outlook
- How is the Total Cost field calculated when a timesheet is published to the database?
- The ‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine.
- Can I change the logo shown in the side bar of the appointment/task item window?
- How can I tag a project/activity or custom field data to multiple appointments/tasks quickly?
- Tagging project and custom field’s data to appointment/task item with the new side bar panel.
- Re-use already published appointment/task items in Outlook to re-publish back as new timesheet entries
- I see a button ‘Review Published’ in the Team TimeSheet toolbar/ribbon. What is its use?
- What are the various ways I can publish my timesheets from Outlook?
- Store the tagged project/activity to the categories field of the appointment/task item
- Prevent Team TimeSheet toolbar/ribbon from occupying most of my Outlook toolbar region
- Use one global Activity list for all Projects instead of defining a list of activities for each project.
- Specify default values for the project/activity and any custom fields in personal level such that empty timesheet automatically gets the default data
- We have the requirements to collect more information on the timesheet. Can we define our own custom fields?
- The Team TimeSheet toolbar is no longer visible, though it is installed.
- Push out all projects and activties to all users automatically
- How is total cost calculated for reported timesheet?
- What are the various notification alerts that are supported in Team TimeSheet?
- Implement auditing of reported timesheets
- Configure what value to hold in the ReportedBy field of the reported timesheet
- Our company policy requires that any timesheet reported to the database is more than 1 hour. How can I make sure every reported timesheet adheres to these criteria?
- How can I prevent team members from reporting their timesheets with expired projects or activities?
- Restrict reporting of timesheets from the default calendar or task folder of the user.
- What additional features are provided to team members, having admin access rights?
- Allow team members to selectively choose their own projects, activities or the drop down custom fields
- Wrong OS or OS version for application