The database has been placed in a state by user on machine that prevents it from being opened or locked.

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The database has been placed in a state by user on machine that prevents it from being opened or locked.

When you had chosen to use Team TimeSheet with a Microsoft Access database, and getting this error report, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

1) One of the user might have had the Team TimeSheet database file (i.e., TeamTimeSheetSettings.mdb) opened in Microsoft Access application in exclusive/design mode, locking the file.

POSSIBLE FIX: Close/shutdown Microsoft Access application (that has the TeamTimeSheet database opened) should release the lock.

2) The Access database MDB file may have some form of corruption.

POSSIBLE FIX: Perform ‘compact and repair’ of that particular MDB file under Microsoft Access application.

3) The Team TimeSheet database is set to exclusive open mode.

POSSIBLE FIX: Make sure that Access is set to open in shared mode. This is the default setting, but you should check to be sure — if a user opens the database in exclusive mode, it will interfere with data availability.

Verify it from Microsoft Access > File > click Options > Client Settings > Advanced section,  select Shared under ‘Default open mode’ and ‘No Locks’ under ‘Default record locking’. click OK, and exit Access.

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