FAQs on Support and Upgrade Plan
Most frequent questions and answers
Below are some FAQs concerning to AssistMyTeam Support, Upgrade and Maintenance contract plan. Click a question and that will expand the answer section further down the page.

AssistMyTeam Support and Maintenance Contract includes:
1 year of support to any problems with the product
E-mail/Chat/Telephonic support
Free upgrades to minor and major versions of the product within the period
Remote assistance on your system
Response to your support request from our technical team within 24 hours
Customers are only eligible for these services if they have a valid maintenance contract.
Why we charge support fee yearly?
Microsoft Office apps are regularly updated and changed by Microsoft and hence, any apps and add-ins build for earlier versions may not work correctly in newer/updated apps of Microsoft Office. This is where our developers have to keep on updating our apps/add-ins to changing Microsoft Office updates. In order to sustain and reward the efforts of the developers for their work, we charge a minimal yearly support fee from those license holders who purchased the license more than a year ago. We offer completely FREE unlimited updates to those users who had purchased the app within a year.
That is, if you have purchased a 1 year support contract today, you should now be able to register your license key against the new version. From today to the next 1 year, you are eligible for free upgrades to the any new releases (minor or major versions) of the app/add-in.
The maintenance contract is optional. When you purchase a license, a year contract is included for free. However, from second to subsequent years, it is recommended that you renew the maintenance contract, so that you get the best out of the product.
In case if you choose not to renew it, your license is still valid and would work without any hitch in the version of the product installed on your system.
PLEASE NOTE: Any license you purchased from us, is valid life-time, but on the particular version of the product that was installed on your system. If you maintain the support and maintenance contract, a new license valid for the new version of the product would be automatically emailed to you.
The charges for renewal (1 year or more) depends on the product category. For more, refer to the product purchase page or here.
Simply visit the product home page, and go to purchase section. Or, if you are not sure, visit the AssistMyTeam Support home page at https://www.assistmyteam.com/Support/
From there you can order a new maintenance contract.
There is no deadline to renew maintenance. It is however beneficial for you to renew it before the expiration date or as soon as possible after the old one has expired. Renewals that come in after the maintenance has expired will start from the day of renewal. Also, you are only able to get free upgrades, technical support and software maintenance when your support contract is valid.
The renewal maintenance period starts from the day you purchase the renewal.
For each product, you need to maintain a maintenance contract. So, if you have two licenses for two different products, two parallel maintenance contracts will be needed.
Quickest way: You can check the status of your support contract of your license from My Support Contract Checker page. You would need to choose the product you had purchased, as well as enter your registered email address and license key.
Other ways: After you have renewed a maintenance contract, you will receive an email about the contract you had purchased. It will also include information on the validity of the contract. For new product purchase, the duration of the maintenance contract is also included in the email that is sent to you with the license key.
When you specify your company by contacting us, our technical support personnel will check that you have a valid maintenance contract. You are only able to get technical support and software maintenance when your support contract is valid.
The software updates are available on the corresponding product home page. We also periodically sent out email notification to licensed users to upgrade to new version, when available.
All Perpetual licenses of AssistMyTeam products come with a free support contract – 1 year for single seat license or 3 years for team and enterprise licenses.
Once the support contract duration that came free with your license purchased had expired, you would NOT be able to perform the followings:
- Upgrade to newer versions.
- Register the app on fresh installs or re-installs even on old versions.
So what is so ‘perpetual’ about a perpetual license?
A perpetual license once registered and activated on a system will continue to work for the installed version, irrespective of the state of your support contract (e.g., expired).
When we say a ‘perpetual license’, we mean the ‘state’ of the registered app that is in working condition for unlimited durations on that computer. If you uninstall, re-install or upgrade to newer, unauthorized versions, this perpetual-ness state would break. In other word, it will prompt the user to register and activate the app again with your existing license key. However, if the 1 year support contract that came with the perpetual license had expired, then the app will cease to work as the license activation will no longer succeed. In such situation, the remedy is to renew the support contract for at least a year.
NOTE: Any installed apps that were previously activated before the expiry of the support contract will continue to work even if you don’t renew the support contract. However, renewal of support contract gives you access to the latest version of the add-in for free, allow installation and registration of your licenses on fresh systems as well as receive technical support.
Could you provide us with the setup.exe of the old versions?
Please try to understand, it does not matter even if we provide you the old setups, if your support contract on your perpetual license had expired, the registration won’t work even on older versions because the license key activation is tied to the validity of your support/maintenance contract and not to the version of the app. The apps that were installed and licensed previously just before the support expiry will continue to function perpetually as per the perpetual licensing framework. However, for fresh installs (does not matter if you are installing old or latest versions), license activation won’t work any longer.
Why should you renew your expired support contract?
Perpetual license holders of AssistMyTeam Apps should consider renewing the support contract every year, to avail the following benefits.
- Reuse your existing licenses and save more than 70% cost in purchasing new licenses by just paying a nominal fee as support contract every year.
- Replenish the number of activations cap that you might have exceeded back to zero (0).
- Ability to upgrade to the newest versions for free.
- Receive technical support