What are the various notification alerts that are supported in Team TimeSheet?

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There are various notification alerts supported in Team TimeSheet. Under ‘Team TimeSheet Manager > Notification Options’ admin panel, you can enable notification email alerts as per your requirements. When certain events are triggered, Team Timesheet will automatically send out the notification emails to the users (can be manager of the project, coordinator of the activity, or to team members etc).


There are 12 Notification alerts in Notification Option
1. Notify Manager when a team member submits timesheet to the database
This notification is sent out to the manager of the project on reporting of a timesheet to a database by any user.

2. Notify Coordinator when a team member submits timesheet to the database
This notification is sent out to the Coordinator (or incharge) of the particular Activity of a project, when a timesheet is reported to the database.

3. Notify Manager when a team member updates existing timesheet in database
This notification is sent out to the manager of the project on update of an existing timesheet to a database.

4. Notify Coordinator when a team member updates existing timesheet in database
This notification is sent out to the Coordinator of the activity of a project on update of an existing timesheet to a database.

5. Notify Manager when a published timesheets is withdrawn by the member
This notification is sent out to the Manager of the project when a timesheet is removed from the database by the user.


6. Notify Coordinator when a published timesheets is withdrawn by the member
This notification is sent out to the Manager of the project when a timesheet is removed from the database by the user.

7. Notify Manager when a new project is assigned
This notification is sent out to the newly assigned manager informing about the assignment of the particular project.

8. Notify Coordinator when a new activity is assigned
This notification is sent out to the newly assigned coordinator informing about the assignment of the particular activity.
9. Notify team members when new projects are added
This notification is sent out to team members informing about the availability of new projects when manager or administrator adds new projects from Team TimeSheet Managerial tool. 

10. Notify team members when  new activities are added
This notification is sent out to team members informing about the availability of new activities of a project when administrator adds new activities from Team TimeSheet Managerial tool. 

11. Notify member when submitted timesheet is declined
This notification is sent out to the particular member apprising about the decline when the audit function is enabled and if project managers or supervisors decline the reported timesheet.

12. Notify member when submitted timesheet is approved.
This notification is sent out to the particular member apprising about the Acceptance when the audit function is enabled and if project managers or supervisors approves the reported timesheet.

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