What are the various email notification options available in Issue Tracker?

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What are the various email notification options available in Issue Tracker?

• Send Confirmation notification to Caller when a new ticket is generated
This automated notification email is send out to caller as a confirmation email, when a technician raises a ticket in SharePoint list from an email.

• Do not send notification to caller if no technician is assigned to the Ticket
Enabling this option would force Issue Tracker to send out the notification email to the caller only if a technician was assigned.

• Send notification to Technician when a ticket is assigned
This automated notification email is send out to Technician whenever a ticket is assigned to them, so as to start working to those assigned ticket. This email contains the assigned ticket Number and the direct URL of the SharePoint ticket. Thus helps technician from the hindrance of searching his assigned tickets in SharePoint list.

• Send notification to technician when a new reply from the caller is received
This automated notification email is send out to technician when the caller replies back to escalate the ticket.

• Send notification to Caller when ticket is marked resolved
This automated notification email is send out to Caller whenever a ticket is mark resolved by a technician or manager.

• Send notification to assigned technician when ticket is reopened
This automated notification email is send out to the assigned technician when a resolved ticket is re-opened again, so as to start working to it.

• Send notification to assigned technician on ticket due date lapsed
This automated notification email is send out to the assigned technician when the ticket is not resolved or closed within the given due date.

• Notify the following managers on due date lapsed
If the helpdesk administrator wants to notify particular users/managers then they can also choose and automated notification will be send to them  when the due date of a particular ticket was not resolved within the specified due time.

• Notify the following users when a new ticket is generated in SharePoint
The helpdesk administrator can choose which particular users/managers/stakeholders are to be notified automatically when a new ticket is raised into the SharePoint.

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