In the ticket form in Outlook, I am unable to input a time spent value. It shows a message “To enable input of Time Spent value, map the ‘TimeSpent’ field to a SharePoint field”. What am I missing?
If you are unable to input a time spent value and in place of it, you have this message “To enable input of Time Spent value, map the ‘TimeSpent’ field to a SharePoint field”, then it means you have not mapped the particular helpdesk Outlook field ‘TimeSpent’ to a SharePoint field.
You have to re-open the configured SharePoint site, go to Issue Tracker > Team Setting and Select ‘Configured SharePoint Ticket list’. In the Existing SharePoint Lists select the particular SharePoint list you are unable to input time spent value and Click ‘Mapping’ button. In the Fields mapping window, search for ‘TimeSpent’ field and do the mapping.