Our helpdesk policy dictates that due date of the ticket should be set later on, after the ticket has been raised. Is there a mechanism in Issue Tracker where new ticket gets the due date field as empty?

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Our helpdesk policy dictates that due date of the ticket should be set later on, after the ticket has been raised. Is there a mechanism in Issue Tracker where new ticket gets the due date field as empty?

In Issue Tracker there are two options to set empty due date in the generated tickets.

First Option is generating a new ticket with empty due date, to do so, go to Issue Tracker > My Options > My Preference and under ‘Due Date for new ticket’ options select the option ‘None’.
Refer the snapshot below:

In Second Option, you can empty the due date in the generated ticket itself. You can just click the ‘None’ button available below the Due date section.
Refer the snapshot below:

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