What are the naming schemes that Attachment Manager supports for the detached files?

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Attachment Manager provides the flexibility to customize the naming schemes of the files once they are detached from emails. You will find the various Naming schemes provided under Attachment Manager > Settings > Attachment Option.

The various Naming Scheme provided are:

  • Received Date (yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.ss) + Attachment name
    When you choose this option, the attachment would be saved according to the received date along with the attachment name
  • Subject + Attachment name
    When you select this option, the attachment would be saved with the subject of the email and name of the attachment.
  • Auto Incremental Number
    When you select this option, the attachment would be named with Auto Incremental Number. For example, if there are five (5) attachments then, file would be named as 1, 2 to 5.
  • Random Number
    When you choose this option, attachment detached would be saved with some random number.
  • Attachment name
    When you select this option, attachment detached would be saved with Attachment name only as it is.
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