If for some reason, you were unable to test ‘Team Helpdesk for Outlook’ within the 30 days evaluation period, or if the trial ended prematurely, you can opt for the following two options to get a new trial:
Option A:
Use the temporary license provided under the ‘Trial Key.txt’ file, located under the TeamHelpdeskSetups.zip. The temporary license can be used to activate the product to get an extended 15 days trial. Your existing settings and configurations will be left intact with this technique. However, do note that, this demo license is usable only once. So, after the 15 extended days trial has expired, and if you try to use this temporary license again, it will complain about the license being used already. If you further want to get a new trial, follow technique number 2.
Option B:
To get a new 30 days trial, you need not uninstall Team Helpdesk add-in from your system. In fact, re-installing Team Helpdesk won’t give you one. What you need to do, is startover with a new ‘Team Helpdesk’ root folder (containing the Ongoing Cases, Resolved Case, KB, Settings subfolders) along with a new settings database. This means, you existing configurations, cases and settings would be lost with this option. If you want to continue using your current Team Helpdesk folders, tickets and settings database, then you would need to purchase a license.
To evaluate further, you would need to start over by followings the steps below:
- Disable Team Helpdesk Agent add-in (if installed and enabled). Refer to this KB article on how to disable it.
- Delete the existing ‘Team Helpdesk’ root folder in Outlook (one containing the sub-folders such as Ongoing Cases, Resolved Cases, KB etc)
- Goto Team Helpdesk Manager menu, and click ‘Copy a New Team Helpdesk folder’ (or, you can directly run the ConfigureServerPST.exe, located under the Program Files\AssistMyTeam\Team Helpdesk Manager folder)
- This will allow you to copy a new ‘Team Helpdesk’ folder (containing sub-folders such as Ongoing Cases, Resolved Cases, KB etc) to a shared mailbox or a public folder (via Outlook).
- You will be prompted to choose a database option. And then you should get a new trial.
- Your existing data and tickets are not usable in this new trial. If you want to re-use the old settings and tickets, you would need to purchase an enterprise license.
- Now, you can re-enable the Team Helpdesk Agent add-in using the same procedure highlighted in step 1.
If there are other users/systems that already have Team Helpdesk Agent tool installed on their system, when they start Outlook, they may be prompted with the settings database panel complaining about the nonavailability of the Team Helpdesk folder. Just cancel the dialog box, and navigate to the new ‘Team Helpdesk’ Ongoing Cases subfolder (which was just copied above). Doing that, would automatically force Team Helpdesk Client add-in to connect and link up with the new Team Helpdesk folder location. Restart Outlook, and the Team Helpdesk Agent add-in should remember and function with the new Team Helpdesk folders in Outlook.
If for reason, the Team Helpdesk Agent add-in is unable to connect to the new ‘Team Helpdesk’ folders in Outlook, you can try resetting the following registry key in each system:
Run ‘Registry Editor’ or Run > regedit.exe and then browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AssistMyTeam\SCO. Right-click SCO and delete it. Now, when you start Outlook, you would be prompted to choose an existing ‘Team Helpdesk’ Settings folder that was already been configured by your administrator/manager.