Published: 16th April 2014

What's new in 8.3?


Added 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields under Caller section of the case form. When you import a caller from the Address book or Global Address List (GAL), Team Helpdesk would automatically extract the First and Last Name from the chosen contact (just like it did for other existing fields).

As a consequence, two new columns 'First Name' and 'Last Name' are also added under 'Team Helpdesk Manager > Callers List' panel. These two fields are also available in Summary Reports, and OLAP Statistics.



Service Level Agreement (SLA) redesigned - Added a new column 'Due Time'. This column takes a predefined duration (just like it did for 'Response Time'. There is also a change in the workflow.

Response Time -  duration within which the assigned technicians of the case should have responded to the caller for the first time (after the case was logged). When a SLA is enforced to a case, the response time of that SLA would be adjusted (added) to the 'Respond By Date' field. If the case was not responded within the stipulated SLA response time, a SLA breach (on response time lapsed) would occur and an automated notification would be sent to the supervisors.

Due Time - duration within which the assigned technicians should have closed (mark complete) the case. When a SLA is enforced to a case, the due time of that SLA would be adjusted (added) to the 'Due Date' field. If the case was not closed i.e., mark competed) within the stipulated SLA due time, a SLA breach (on due time lapsed) would occur and an automated notification would be sent to the supervisors.

To enable the associated SLA breach alerts, go to Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > General Alerts tab.

You will also find a new field 'Response By Date' available (just above the due date field) in the case form.

The manager can set an initial response time by manually specifying one after the case was raised, or a default date/time could be set under Team Helpdesk Manager > Automation Options > New Case tab.

Or, the manager can enforce a SLA to the case so that the 'Response By Date' field is adjusted automatically with the response time (as specified under Team Helpdesk Manager > Service Levels).

Additionally, the manager can also enable automated alert to the assigned technicians when the case was not answered/responded to within the response time. You can enable this alert under Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > General Alerts tab.

Further more, the manager can set Team Helpdesk to send out of the automated alerts to the technicians when the response/due time has lapsed or when it is about to lapse in few hours ahead (under Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > Other Options tab). With the latter option, you can have the assigned technicians know about the response time warning well before a SLA breach could occur, thus avoiding escalation to the supervisors. For example, below, the alert on response time lapse on the cases is set to be sent to the technicians 3 hours before the time will lapse.



Added 3 new automated alerts in Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > General Alerts tab. Each of this alert have their own template under Team Helpdesk Manager > Templates Manager.

* Alert Supervisors when a new assigned case is generated - This alert is sent to the supervisors when a new case is generated and assigned to technicians.

* Alert Supervisors when a case is assigned to technicians - This alert is sent to the supervisors when a new technician is assigned to an existing case.

On these two alerts, you can choose the supervisors type to use from Team Helpdesk Manager > Service Levels > Supervisors tab.

For instance, with the first option 'Use Supervisors specific for each Technician', you can define supervisors for each technician in Team Helpdesk Manager > Technicians List panel.

With the second option 'Common Supervisors for all technicians', you can use a global fixed supervisors.

* Alert Managers when a first time caller sends a support request - This alert is sent to managers when a new case is generated from an email sent by a first time caller that does not exist yet in the Team Helpdesk Manager > Callers list). You can define the managers to be notified under 'Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > Admin Notification' tab.

Further, for this particular alert to work, you need to also enable the the option 'Automatically add first time caller to callers list' under Team Helpdesk > Manager > Automation Options > Other Information tab.



Added the feature to force Team Helpdesk to only process emails send from a list of admin chosen/approved domains and ignore the rest. You can define such list of trusted domains under Team Helpdesk Manager > Callers List > Company tab.

By default this selective processing from trusted domains is not enabled. To enable, go to Team Helpdesk Manager > Advanced Options > General tab and check the option 'Only process incoming emails from domain names listed under Companies List'.

So, when you or other technicians try to generate a new case from an email send from a unlisted domain, Team Helpdesk would not process and instead a popup message would be shown that the email sender domain is not trusted. And if Team Helpdesk Manager add-in was monitoring a mailbox (support account for example), and when a new email is received from unlisted domains (e.g., not in the Team Helpdesk Manager > Company list), the email would be moved to a subfolder called 'Unlisted Domain Emails' for your references.


There is also an option 'Automatically alert the administrator when one tries to generate a case from an email of unlisted domain' available under Team Helpdesk Manager > Notification Options > Admin Notification tab. When enabled, Team Helpdesk would automatically notify the administrator when an email from unlisted domain is not processed by Team Helpdesk.

For this notification to work, you need to specify an administrator in Admin Notification tab itself.

Note that this notification only works on incoming emails (from unlisted domains) received in the monitored mailboxes.


Added 3 more options to set default values for Case status under Team Helpdesk Manager > Case Options > Default values tab.



Added secondary asset fields support in addition to the existing 5 predefined asset fields. You can now define any number of additional asset fields with different data types such as text, number, yes/no, note, date or currency under Team Helpdesk Manager > Asset Fields panel (Additional Fields, Additional Lists tabs).


If you open a case item, under Assets tab, you will find these new asset fields are available under 'Other fields' tab.

The new asset fields are available in Summary Reports and OLAP Statistics tool.



You can now choose up to 5 custom fields or lists to be shown in the main section of the case form.

 A new column 'Show in Main Section' is now added to Team Helpdesk Manager > Custom Fields panel.

The idea is to give you instant access to important/frequently used custom fields in the main section without requiring you to navigate to the 'Custom Fields' section.


Added a 'Reset Columns Size' button under Team Helpdesk Manager > Callers List/Technicians List/Problems List/Assets List panels, so that you can easily reset the columns size to default values. This could come handy when you couldn't see certain columns (which may have been in hidden state) in the list. Previously, the workaround was to shutdown Outlook and manually go to registry editor and delete a few registry keys. However, with this 'Reset Columns Size' button, it is just a click away to reset the columns size (and show any hidden columns)



1)      Added ‘SLA Due Time Fulfilled’ and ‘SLA Response Time Fulfilled’ dimensions (of fields) in Summary Reports and OLAP Statistics.

* ‘SLA Due Time Fulfilled’ would be TRUE (or 1) when the case was closed (completed) well before the due time (of the SLA)
* ‘SLA Response Time Fulfilled’ would be TRUE (or 1) when the assigned technicians made the first response to the caller of the case before the ‘Respond by Date’ (of the SLA). That is, the ‘First Response’ field is before the ‘Respond By Date’ field.



If the caller replies an email to an existing case, to multiple technicians, it may lead to Exchange conflict on the case. FIXED


If a technician makes a reply to the case to the caller (but CC'ed to multiple technicians), it may lead to Exchange conflict on the case. FIXED


In Outlook 2013, when replying or receiving responses from callers. the consolidated conversation of the case may contain redundant information. FIXED


When replying to callers or to other technicians from the case form, the replies may not be updated to the consolidated conversation of the case (nor the email added to the case). This typically happens when you reply to multiple recipients (using the CC field). FIXED


You may find that 'Team Helpdesk Agent' menu under the Outlook 2010/2013 backstage view disappear and appear after sometime (or only appear after restarting Outlook). A bug that we had been trying to fix, but to no avail. So, with this update of version 8.3, we have discarded the 'Team Helpdesk Agent' menu in the Outlook 2010/2013 > file  backstage view. Instead, we have now added the same menu 'Settings' under the standard Team Helpdesk toolbar (in your Inbox) or in the Ongoing Cases/Resolved Cases folders. FIXED

Download the new version now!

Read the upgrade instruction